Thursday, February 09, 2006
I think I'm going to have to do this because it doesn't seem that this one is working any more
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
The funky clock at the army barricks that we found. (Who ever heard of the army having style?) It was huge and all walled in by a lot of bricks! hmm, wonder what that says when I used to be able to just over the fence to chase our housemates cat back into the house and the fact that this weird stalker guy used to come over from the army barricks?!
Hehe, washing hanging across the street for everyone to see. Haven't they ever heard of not airing dirty laundry in public? Well I guess this stuff is clean. And it's not too much different to hanging it in your backyard on the Hills Hoist (let's see how many people actually know what that is) and letting your neighbours see it. Wow, so many analogies there. But one thing I never thought of when I was taking the photo, how do the get it across the street. Must be on some kind of pulley system or something.
This one isn't as spectacular but it gives you a bit of perspective. It was all very gorgeous and did have this very ethereal air and we lit candles and prayed for loved ones which seemed to have great significance as you lit the candle and then left it there, a symbol that it had been left in God's hands. But I still found much in sense in Sarah's adaptation of a well known song, "I'll bring you more than a church, because it in itself is not what you desire."
It's a bit blurry, but this is the best version of this. The gorgeous gilded mosaic ceilings of the entrance to Basilica di San Marco. Amazing stuff. You couldn't actually take photos inside because they decided that seeing it is a church it should be treated with appropriate reverence. Inside I guess it made sense, but you also have to truly wonder if God is bothered if we want to take photos inside a man-made place of worship. But when in Rome... or Venice as it is.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
I was not really up for being swarmed by random dirty, disease carrying birds, so no bird seed for me! That was something that really confused me. These people would put bird seed all over them, including on their head and stuff and then shrink and cower like they didn't want the birds to land on them. So what were you doing with the bird seed in the first place?!